Plastic Recycling Explained

This label is applied to packaging collected by 75% or more of UK local authorities and then sorted, processed and recycled into new packaging or products.

This label is applied to packaging collected by less than 50% of UK local authorities and/or is not able to be sorted, processed and recycled into new packaging or products.

Rinsing recyclable packaging, like yoghurt pots and soup tins, ensures that any food or product residue doesn’t contaminate other materials, particularly if they are collected together with paper.

Caps and lids under 40mm in diameter are too small to be captured for recycling, they fall through the holes in the screens at the sorting facilty. If you see this label, putting the lid back on the bottle packaging will help it to be captured and recycled.

Recycle | Bottle Cap on | Don't Recycle | Remove Sleeve

Some packaging components need separating before you dispose of them. You may see a label like this on packaging where a sleeve, film or liner can be easily removed from the main packaging item. In this case, the sleeve is removed from a bottle by pulling a perforated strip, the bottle can be recycled but the sleeve goes in the rubbish.

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